Sunday, October 4, 2009

A prayer

Sometimes the best way to pray is in front of others so it becomes a true prayer so here is mine,

Lord forgive my wandering heart. I jump to fast, I break before the shot is fired. Who am I that I worry. Your time is perfect, your heart is all love. I am just a stone in your hand. Throw me where you may. Though it may hurt, change me, make me. I fear for my heart that it may be forever lonely. But two things you tell me. You are near me. You love me. I am not alone. The second is close. God is the founder of love. Lord you created Eve for Adam, how much easier it is to match two hearts together.
My heart is in your hands. I give it to you. Do as you wish. Send it where it may. If it forever stays in your hand bereft from another, teach me contentment. If you match it with a broken heart, teach me patience. If you match it to one amazing, make me ready. I know your timing is your own. Do not let me rush you. You are the lamp to my feet and the light to my path. You do not show far into the future. Who am I to question what comes next, to solve the riddle of tomorrow. Though you have something ahead, yet undone, I will wait. Help me to be patient. Let me see the roses along the path as you walk beside me, guiding me towards the future yet unseen.

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